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Whale's Thrive on Land
Wealth creation doesnt have to be complicated
Casual Check - in HELLO
Did you know Investor Warren Buffett made 99% of his wealth after turning 50.

Buffet’s Net Worth over the Years
Here I will give you one of his primary investing rules for free
If you don't feel comfortable owning a stock for 10 years, you shouldn't own it for 10 minutes.
We all see the “New Money” flashing about online daily. Do not let this take away from the journey you are on. Real wealth takes time and still takes a lot of work and dedication.
I hear you saying how does learning about Buffet help us? After all he is a once in a generation specimen the great Oracle of Omaha! We all can not be that great or lucky…and trust me luck is as important as any other factor.
Well we can “fix” the game so we have a great chance of luck working for us, how?
So lets look at the polar opposite of Mr. Buffet. A Janitor who was a Multi - Millionaire. Not a fancy Wall Street investor, just a guy you probably would not even notice as he waddled around with a bucket and a mop, and that is all he did his WHOLE LIFE.
If you are reading this you have likely have a higher paying job, or skill set that will get you more compensation. So how did he do it?
His name was Ronald Read, born 1921 in Vermont. Ronald was the first to graduate High School in his family. He joined the US Army to serve during World War II and after the war in 1945 he worked at a Service Station for 25 years.
25 YEARS at a Service Station!!!
One more fact is that after the War the median income was only $1,400 Per Annum. Mr. Read eventually left his job at the service station and joined Jcpenny as a Janitor, he did this for the rest of his working days, which was around another 20 years.
So you ask where is the “Luck” we touched on earlier? Well Mr. Read was an avid reader of the Wall Street Journal, as you are of The Investing Koala 😄 and he played the long game. Bending “Luck” to his will, his investing strategy was simple.
Simplicity is the most complex when it comes to investing
No Emotional Decisions / Not Swayed by Headlines, playing the long game
Buy companies you know and understand
A quick tip from our old friend Buffet
“If you … owned all of the bitcoin in the world and you offered it to me for $25, I wouldn’t take it,”
This shows that the real winners only place winning bets, that is not to say crypto wont make you rich, but rather if you do not understand something completely do not enter it, because then you are more likely to be swayed by headlines rather than playing your own hand.
Because Ronald Read held his position and rode the market volatility (UPs and Downs) eventually even lady luck rode with him
Read’s portfolio at the time of his passing:

You don’t have to hold forever you can enjoy the fruits of your investments during your life, however this is an example of how investing and wealth creation is not some magical, mystical mumbo, jumbo. Its simple, clear and easily repeatable.
A fine example is NASDAQ: NVDA
Stock prices increased by 164% in 2023 and my community and I doubled our investment, simply cause we always give our readers the best tips and it is why you should stick around.
Back to Mr Read and his Nest of Millions, well upon his death, he donated $2 million to his step-children and friends, $1.2 million to local Library and $4.8 million to his local hospital.
This was just a little check in with you all, stay tuned for News and Market events next week, read below and help us improve.
PS. Share this article with friends and family if you found any gold in here, if you have thoughts on things we can improve on email us 😄
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