My Credit Card Details are in this email

No News today, lets just have chat…

Imitation is the highest form of flattery! Or something along those lines right?

There are an estimated 59 million millionaires on Earth, are you one of them? If you are not, WHY ARE YOU NOT?

There are literally millions of stories about how a person has gone from 0 to millions and here you/we are trying to figure it out.


No need, I will tell you exactly how you can make at least 1 million dollars.

Copy someone, sorry you will actually have to do a little bit of work…but hopefully not too much. Find someone you admire who is considered wealthy. 10 million plus net worth

Copy them and even if you do it poorly you should land in the 100’s of thousands if not in the millions, add your spin to it. Tweak it a little and figure it out. No need to become the next Bill Gates or Elon Musk, just be a lesser copy and when that money buys you your freedom, use that time to build something original.

Jump into highly competitive markets! They are saturated cause they work, crave out a slice and you are on your way to your 1st million.

It wont be easy and you wont do it by hoping, but its also not impossible and the worst that happens is you fall forward, as long as you and I keep getting up and falling forward we will make it to the finish line.

Guess now I gotta walk the talk…so read the next email from us to see which niche we pick to copy our way to 1 million USD

Best of luck to us and remember me at your 1st Million

Sorry I don’t have a credit card 🙂 

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